My Two Presentations at 2012 Buckminster Fuller Legacy Conference

Posted on 12 December 2012 by
I participated in the ReVIEWING Black Mountain College 4: Looking Forward at Buckminster Fuller’s Legacy conference on September 28-30, 2012 in Asheville, NC, USA. I gave two talks (click on the links below to see the PDF presentations):
- Education Automation Now and in the Future. In this talk I recognize Buckminster Fuller as one of the conceptual founding fathers of the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement, detail six of his educational ideas, and give a brief review of several OER courses I’ve taken to indicate the kind of comprehensive education now possible using freely available on-line courses.
- Synergetics and Model Thinking. In this talk I synthesize Scott E. Page’s Model Thinking with Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics. I introduce both subjects, then discuss the importance of model thinking. Then I sketch some ideas about how Model Thinking and Synergetics can inform a more incisive approach to science.
Please share any thoughts you might have about these presentations in the comments. I would value your feedback.
I do like to try to keep up with what you are doing !!
Keep it up.
Read what looked like a powerpoint presentation on modeling. This is naturally what I think about. Calling it “structural anayltics” these days.
In 900.31, can’t a model be a special case as well?
I think of the 3-D models I build as my equations. The are self-proofing, something math equation has to do only instead of symbols representing forms in Nature, the models are nature itself without the symbol. The problem with symbols is they can mean anything you want them to mean whereas in Nature they can only mean what Nature allows. For that reason my trust in Natural models feels more real and solid, so to speak. Don